00 02/08/2006 11:46

Scritto da: dodicix 02/08/2006 8.47
E tanti Auguri vanno anche al Lupo, che ne compie... ehm... [SM=g27825]

Si, vabbè, ma qua pare di essere in gerontologia! [SM=g27837]
[SM=g27828] [SM=g27827]:


Graz graz... non ci posso pensa'!!! [SM=g27820]: [SM=g27816] [SM=g27825] [SM=g27828] [SM=g27828] [SM=g27828]
"Calm yourself. Man who argue with cow on wall is like plane without wings - very soon get nowhere."
Sidney Wang (Peter Sellers), "Murder by Death"
"Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly!" Pontius Pilate (Michael Palin), "Life of Brian"